The Trends Enveloping iPhone Apps and Its Development Market

The Trends Enveloping iPhone Apps and Its Development Market
One of the most renowned analytics software firm Pinch Media had released quite a few interesting facts and stats related to the recent iPhone application usage based on the tracked download.
For iPhone app developers, most companies have worked out strategies to promote both paid apps and ad-supported apps which rely on repeat users.
Generally, many companies prefer to sell their apps by bombarding the users with ads and banners to bring in the amount that a paid application costs. Some niche applications demand much higher ad rates than the regular ones as they are for the high-end users. The average user does not go for the high end apps as they are way too costly and buy them only if it suits their requirements.
The stats revealed by Pinch Media showed that not many use an app more than once unless it is extraordinary. Most users move on within a month and switch their interest in some other apps.
About 20% use a free app after they download it the first day while less than 5% stay on after a month or so. The paid apps do not even pull in traffic of even 5% of the first day.
Most of the apps are used for entertainment but as analysts say, business apps are getting a hold on. They are preferred by the business men and sales professionals. According to an iPhone developer those who publish need to be careful about the price that they attach. Most apps are also offered at promotional rates to generate interest but rarely have the charges of an app increased.
The AppStore is full of free and low cost applications, but the cheapest ones are a big sell-off depending on the overall volume of the apps. The rates are divided in a 70:30 ratio between the developer and Apple. Business apps are in greater demand than the consumer apps lately. Book applications and education are the most visited iPhone app categories for downloading apps.
Most companies are turning on with the bandwagon of mobile applications. Some are in the race to either promote their business or make a neat and clean profit through direct sales. There is much more demand for gaming application development on the iPhone. The development requests for music apps are also on the rise. Android apps are also modeled on the successful iPhone apps and some apps are inspired by their Android counterparts. New weather forecast apps, sports apps and photography apps have also registered a great deal of interest amongst the youth.

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